Art Of Singing and Vocal Techniques
Singing-Science And Art :
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Chinmayi Sripada is an Indian Playback singer, She is also a Voice Actor,Television Presents & Radio Jockey. She is the First Female Singer in India To have an IOS APP. |
- Singing is an Art as well a Science. The Stretching of the Chords, the tuning of the voice and pitch of the sound all become Accurate, with practice.
- It can be formal or informal arranged or may be done as a form of religious devotion,as a hobby,as a source of pleasure,comfort,or ritual,as part of musical education or as a profession.
- It is an act of producing musical sounds with the voice and augments regular speech by the use of sustained tonality,rhythm,and a variety of vocal techniques.
Vocal Registration :
- It refers to the system of vocal registers within the voice.A register in the voice is a particular series of tones,produced in the same vibratory pattern of the vocal folds,and possessing the same quality.
- Registers originate in laryngeal function.they occur because the vocal folds are capable of producing several different vibratory patterns.Each of these vibratory patterns Appeals with in a particular range of pitches and produces certain characteristic sounds.
- The term "register" can be somewhat confusing as it encompasses several Aspects of the voice. it can be used to refer any of the following.
- It refers to the system of vocal registers within the voice.A register in the voice is a particular series of tones,produced in the same vibratory pattern of the vocal folds,and possessing the same quality.
- Registers originate in laryngeal function.they occur because the vocal folds are capable of producing several different vibratory patterns.Each of these vibratory patterns Appeals with in a particular range of pitches and produces certain characteristic sounds.
- The term "register" can be somewhat confusing as it encompasses several Aspects of the voice. it can be used to refer any of the following.
1. A particular part of vocal range such as the upper,middle,or lower registers.
2. A Resonance area such as head voice etc.
3. A phonatory process( phonation is the process of producing vocal sound by the vibration of the vocal folds that is in turn modified by the resonance of the vocal tract).
4. A certain vocal timbre or vocal "color".
5. A region of the voice which is defined or delimited by vocal breaks.
Vocal Resonation :
- Vocal Resonation is the process by which the basic product is enhanced in timbre and / or intensity by the air-filled cavities through which it passes on its way to the outside air.
- Various terms related to Resonation process include Amplifciation, enrichment,enlargement,improvement,intensification,and prolongation, although strictly scientific usage Acoustic Authorities would question most of them.
- The main point to be drawn from these terms by a singer or speaker is that the end result of Resonation is, or should be, to make a better sound.
- There are several areas that may be listed asa possible vocal resonators.In sequence from the lowest within the body to the highest, the areas are the tracheal tree, the Larynx itself,the pharynx, the oral cavity,nasal cavity and the sinuses.
- Vocal Techniques :
- Singing when done with proper vocal techniques is an integrated and coordinated act that effectively coordinates the physical processes of singing.
- There are Four Physical Processes Involved in Producing Vocal Sound Respiration,Phonation, Resonation and Articulation.
- These Process occur in the following sequence :
1. Breath is taken.
2. Sound is initiated in the Carynx.
3. The vocal resonators receive the sound and influence it.
4. The Articulators shape the sound into Recognizable units.
- Although these four processes are often Considered Separately when studied,in Actual practice,they merge into one coordinated Function.
- within an effective singer or speaker,one should rarely be reminded of the process involved as their mind and body are so coordinated that one only preceives the resulting unified function.
- Many vocal problems result from a lack of information within this process. since singing is a coordinated act,it is difficult to discuss any of the individual technical areas and processes without relating them to the others.
- phonation only comes into perspective when it is connected with respiration ,the Articulators affect the vocal resonance,the resonators affect the vocal folds,the vocal folds affect the breath control and so forth.vocal problems are often a result of a breakdown in one part of this coordinated process which causes voice teachers to frequently focus in intensively on one area of the process with their student until that issue is resolved.
- however some areas of the art of singing are so much the result of the coordinated functions that it is hard to discuss them under a traditional heading like resonation,articulation,or respiration.
- The area of vocal technique which seems to depend most strongly on the student ability to coordinate various functions are :
- Extending the vocal range to its maximum potential.
- Developing consistent vocal production with a consistent tone quality.
- Developing Flexibility and agility.
- Achieving a balanced vibrato.
Devoloping the Singing voice:
- Singing is a skill that requires highly developed muscle does not reqiure much muscle strength but it does require a high degree of music coordination.
- Individuals can develop their voices further through the careful and systematic practice or both songs and vocal exercises.
- It have several purposes, including Warm up the voice,extending the vocal range, "lining up" the voice horizontally and vertically, and acquiring vocal techniques such as legato,staccato,control of dynamics rapid figurations, learning to sing wide intervals comfortably, singing trills,singing melismas and correcting vocal faults.
Posture :
- The Singing process functions best when certain physical conditions of the body are put in place. the ability to move air in and out of the body freely and to obtain the needed quality of air can be seriously affected by the posture of the breathing mechanism.
- Good posture allows the breathing mechanism to fulfill it basic function Effectively without any undue expenditure of energy.
- Habitual good posture also ultimately improves the overall health of thebody by enabling better blood circulation and prevents fatigue and stress on the body.
- There are six components of the ideal singing posture :
1. Feet Slightly Apart.
2. Legs Straight but knees Slightly bent.
3. Spine Aligned.
4. Abdomen Flat.
5. Shoulders Down And Back.
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